To make an appointment at Blackrock Medical Practice please book online here or call us on the number at the bottom of every page. We would request that all appointments are paid for at the time of booking.
There is now an online appointment booking system. Please click on the book now button.
No, we request that you do not email us with any medical queries or send images (unless requested to do so). Email is not suitable for acute medical issues as queries may not be answered in a timely manner. We ask that you contact us by phone and persevere if the line is busy, see below.
Please be patient with us. We know that the phone lines can be very busy but we endeavour to answer all calls. If our lines are busy, this means that we are taking other calls and you will be answered in rotation.
Patients requiring a sick note for work or an education institution must attend the doctor’s surgery in person and be seen by the doctor who can then certify them.
Call the clinic to make an appointment, our number is at the bottom of every page.
If you are already a registered patient of the clinic, there may be no need to book a doctor’s appointment for form filling. Please deliver the form and provide any relevant information to Reception.
Allow 2-5 days for the completion of the form, the time allowed depends on the complexity of the form.
We always try to give our patients the best care possible but there may be times when you feel this has not happened. Your comments and suggestions are welcomed and valued.